It’s never too late
to bring on your best smile
Advances in aesthetic options make it easier and more practical for more adults to benefit from orthodontic treatment. Today’s braces are less conspicuous and more comfortable than appliances of the past. You can choose the treatment approach that best suits your lifestyle: stainless steel, clear or ceramic braces or Invisalign® clear plastic aligners.
Adult Treatment
While orthodontics can have great cosmetic benefits, many adults do not realize that well-aligned and properly fitting teeth (the bite or occlusion) may also enhance their ability to keep their teeth for a lifetime. Straight teeth are easier to brush and floss, which can help prevent periodontal (gum) disease. In addition, a bite that properly distributes the forces of chewing is like a solid foundation to a building, enabling the teeth to better withstand the stress of daily use.
Pre-prosthetic Orthodontics
Often, an adult patient will be referred to an orthodontist to better position the teeth prior to restorative treatment (implants, veneers, crowns or bridgework). The scope of this pre-prosthetic orthodontics includes establishing the correct spaces for replacement teeth, paralleling roots of teeth, and moving individual teeth to enhance the architecture of the gum tissues framing teeth in aesthetic areas of the mouth.
Tooth Movement
While teeth move just as easily in adults as in adolescents, there are some important differences when it comes to adult treatment. Adult treatments are often multidisciplinary in scope and can include the input and collaboration with the patient’s general dentist, oral surgeon, periodontist and other specialists. And because the adult jaws are fully developed, bite changes are comparably more challenging to realize. Occasionally the removal of teeth or even re-setting of jaws may be required to fully correct bite problems. Please rest assured that Dr. Korne will make you aware of all your options.